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International Zoo Educations Association - Membership Website

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Join educators from across the globe dedicated to expanding the educational impact of wildlife conservation.

With members spanning 6 continents and over 50 countries/regions, a world of education resources awaits. Become an IZE member, and bring the world of conservation education to your institution today!

Membership Categories

To better serve our members, we have adopted a sliding scale for membership fees based on categories developed by the World Bank. View the PDF to determine which Category applies to you and your institution.

Check the Country List to determine which Region you are in! 

Membership is valid for the calendar year, January 1 – December 31.

The benefits of membership in the IZE include:

  • Opportunities for international networking and professional development
  • Complimentary subscription to San Diego Zoo Global Academy online courses specific to education and interpretation
  • Subscriptions to the Journal of the International Association of Zoo Educators,’ which includes conference proceedings and papers, as well as an informal newsletter
  • Access to the latest information on educational techniques
  • Updates on geographical region activities;
  • Special wildlife and cultural tours planned just for IZE conference participants
  • Opportunities for sponsored membership and limited financial aid for conference attendance

If you would like to share with the others the benefits of IZE membership, download this IZE brochure .

If you would like to support the International Zoo Educators Association, we invite you to join. Membership of the Association is open to any person or organization interested in or involved in the field of zoo, aquarium, nature/wildlife center or nature reserve education and interpretation, and who wishes to promote the aims and objectives of the Association. To better serve our members, we have adopted a sliding scale for membership fees based on categories developed by the World Bank. View the PDF to determine which category applies to you and your institution.

Institutional Membership

Institutional membership reflects your institution’s quality standards and commitment to conservation education and entitles entitled staff to named membership, four of whom are nominated institutional representatives with voting rights. This often encourages some zoo senior directors to also become a named IZE member, which is very good for the profile of conservation education. The membership is with the institution so if staff change mid-year, you simply change to the new named staff. A proportion of the Institutional membership fee also goes towards our sponsored delegate scheme, where conservation educators from the developing world apply for a completely funded place at the biennial IZE conference. The fund usually stretches to 12 funded places. Institutional members enjoy high profile publicity at the conference in recognition of this. Other benefits are:

International networking and professional development

  • Complimentary year-long subscription to San Diego Zoo Global Academy online courses
  • The IZE Journal and conference proceedings
  • IZE Newsletter
  • Membership certificate for you to display
  • A program of regional activities
  • The IZE conference
  • Post-conference tours

Category 1 US$300
Category 2 US $600

Individual Membership

Individual membership in the Association is open to any individual employed in the field of education and interpretation within zoos, aquariums, nature/wildlife centers, and wildlife reserves in a professional capacity. The same qualifications shall apply to Sponsored Members. Only individual and officially sponsored members shall have a vote in the elections and other decisions requiring a membership vote. Only individual members in good standing may be nominated for Board positions.

  • Category 1 US$25
  • Category 2 US$65

View the PDF to determine which Category applies to you and your institution.

Associate Membership

Associate membership is open to any individual supporting the objectives of the Association, who is interested in, but who may not be directly employed in the capacity of zoo or aquarium education. These individuals may include university faculty and graduate students, volunteers, and school teachers.

  • Category 1 US$20
  • Category 2 US$45

View the PDF to determine which Category applies to you and your institution.

International Zoo Educators Association is a US-based registered 501(c)6 non-profit organization.


Mailing Address:

International Zoo Educators Association  

c/o K. Hoorman

Saint Louis Zoo (Education)

One Government Dr.                   St. Louis, MO 63110 USA

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